Latest global innovations in electric and hybrid vehicle technology to share UAE spotlight
More than 200 delegates expected for inaugural International Conference on Future Mobility 2015 in Dubai.
The UAE will be the focal point of the latest global advancements in electric vehicle technology when the Middle East’s first international conference on innovations in electric and hybrid vehicles makes its November 2015 debut in Dubai.
The International Conference on Future Mobility 2015, organised by Messe Frankfurt Middle East in partnership with the Emirates Authority for Standardization and Metrology (ESMA), and supported by the Automobile & Touring Club of the UAE (ATCUAE), will take place from 8-9 November at the Meydan Hotel.
The two-day conference, held under the patronage of His Excellency Dr. Rashid Ahmad bin Fahad, UAE Minister of Environment and Water and Chairman of ESMA, will present a unique platform for regulators, government authorities, key industry players and thought leaders to discuss the future opportunities, advances and innovations in electric and hybrid vehicles.
H.E. Abdulla Abdulqader Al Maeeni, the Director General of ESMA, the UAE government’s standardisation body, said ESMA’s official support comes after identifying the growing need to encourage the use of electric and hybrid vehicles in support of the Dubai Smart City Initiative and the UAE Vision 2021.
“Electric vehicles have come a long way and are now technically advanced to effectively compete with their conventional counterparts,” said Al Maeeni. “With the infrastructure and support system now shaping up, UAE Nationals and residents can seriously consider owning electric vehicles.
“Through encouraging the use of electric vehicles in the UAE, ESMA supports the Smart City Initiative launched by His Highness Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Vice President of the UAE and Ruler of Dubai, as well as the goals of the UAE Vision 2021. These initiatives aim to make Dubai a smart, integrated and connected city, sustainable with its resources and where environmental components are clean, healthy and sustainable,” Al Maeeni added.
Coinciding with the two-day International Conference on Future Mobility will be an exhibition showcasing the latest innovations in the field of electric vehicles and their supporting technology.
Ahmed Pauwels, CEO of Messe Frankfurt Middle East, said: “Recent developments in electric vehicle technology, including improvements to the driving range of the vehicles, faster charging, and the ability of key components such as batteries to withstand extreme heat, has created enormous potential to significantly increase the use of electric vehicles in the UAE.”
“The International Conference on Future Mobility 2015 will draw attention to immense potential that exists for electric vehicle technology in the Middle East, attracting experts and delegates from the wider region and across the world.”
Electric cars require their own eco-system to operate at optimum capacity and plans are already in place in the UAE to achieve this. Dubai Electricity and Water Authority (DEWA) has already announced the roll out of 100 charging stations by the end of this year.
Al Maeeni also added that ESMA is actively working towards drafting a federal law governing electric vehicles in the UAE, where it aims to strike the right balance between the expectations of the government, manufacturers, and ultimately the consumers.
The International Conference on Future Mobility 2015 will feature more than 200 delegates including government officials, key decision-makers and international experts in the manufacturing and trading sectors, as well as authorities responsible for developing standards and specifications of electric and hybrid vehicles.
Following the inauguration by HE Dr. Rashid Ahmad bin Fahad, the conference proper will begin with keynote addresses by Al Maeeni and Dr. Mohammed Ben Sulayem, President of the ATCUAE.
The various sessions will feature a range of presentations and interactive forums on Public Policies, Strategies and Best Practices; Infrastructure, Distribution and Delivery of Electric Vehicles; Market, Business and User Behaviour; and Electric Vehicle Technology, Research and Development.