Knorr-Bremse at ReMaTec: Remanufacturing expertise for safetycritical components
Knorr-Bremse TruckServices stands for genuine remanufactured vehicle components: genuine, economical, and sustainable. Safety-critical products such as calipers for trucks, trailers, and buses also form part of the portfolio. Owners of older vehicles in particular stand to benefit, because with EconX, the products have a life expectancy appropriate for the age of the vehicle concerned. As the main components comprise used products that are remanufactured for re-use, they are less costly to produce and thus help to optimize the total cost of ownership of the vehicle.
Wolfgang Krinner, Member of the Management Board of Knorr-Bremse Systems for Commercial Vehicles: “As a manufacturer and supplier of original equipment, we are familiar
with the precise technical requirements for each individual component of a product. In addition, we have concentrated our remanufacturing activities and thus our expertise in Liberec in the Czech Republic, and have invested in state-of-the-art technology. This way we can be sure to safeguard our high Knorr-Bremse quality standards along the entire value chain.”
At its booth, Knorr-Bremse TruckServices is presenting the key steps in the remanufacturing
process using the example of a caliper for heavy-duty commercial vehicles. Items on
show include the used part in as-returned condition, the disassembled components, the individual components after cleaning and then in reconditioned state, and the reassembled
finished product. Also on show at the booth are the EconX versions of the electronic air
control 2 (EAC2), the EBS2 two-channel electro-pneumatic module, the electronic clutch
actuator, and the compressor with water-cooled jacket.
Behind the scenes expertise
The promise in the Knorr-Bremse TruckServices “Keep it running” slogan applies not only
to the technical process but also to the logistics and commercial procedures involved.
These include Europe-wide harmonized standards for the acceptance of used products
(cores), and a transparent reporting process for the customer regarding the status of their
cores and the related surcharge accounts, as well as their local contacts, all in the respective
local language. Further information is available from competent staff at the booth.
Also at ReMaTec 2017, Knorr-Bremse is presenting the newly harmonized package branding
for the EconX products. To ensure clear and unequivocal identification, the genuine remanufactured products are supplied in packaging with white lettering on a blue background.
This is the exact opposite of the color scheme for service new products, with blue lettering
on a white background. The EconX calipers also feature a green nameplate indicating their
remanufactured status – the highest form of recycling – and the up to 80 percent reduction
in CO2 that an EconX product represents compared to a service new products.