Tarama Etiketi

Volvo Car

Volvo Cars to go fully electric

In line with the European Union’s push for a green transition, Volvo Car Corporation and the European Investment Bank (EIB) have signed a €420 million financing agreement in support of the Swedish carmaker’s decision to become fully…

Volvo Car Turkey, tüm zamanların satış rekorunu kırdı

Premium otomobil üreticisi Volvo Car Turkey, 2023’ün sonuna yaklaşırken 10 binin üzerinde satış adedine ulaşarak, 29 yıldır faaliyet gösterdiği Türkiye’de rekor satışa imza attı. Kasım 2023 itibariyle 10 binin üzerinde satış gerçekleştiren…

FlexQube receives order from Volvo Car US Operations

In the process FlexQube emphasized the different benefits with the FlexQube dollies compared to welded alternatives, including lower costs for alterations and repairs, as well as flexibility to move between the different cart sizes further…